
The Perfect Make Up One of the most common mistakes that women make when it comes to their regime is the color they choose for their foundation. It’s often too dark which results in a noticeable line along the jaw and the side of the face. A great make up tip is to purchase a foundation during the day, and first try it on a spot on your face. Then look in a mirror both while you are in the store and then outside. This will give you a good indication of how close a match it is.

Eye shadow color is another area where women often make an error. There’s a strong misconception that any shade of blue shadow is a no-no. If you have blue eyes though, a make up tip that will highlight them is to apply a thin line of dark blue shadow along the lower and upper lashes. This enhances your eye color and makes them really pop. Another related beauty make up idea is to use dark blue mascara. Again, this really works best if you have blue eyes.

For brown eyes there are a couple of good choices when it comes to what to use. The colors that work best are shades of brown and pink. One beauty make up tip that applies to brown eyes is to try chocolate brown mascara. It’s slightly different than black and can produce a much warmer look when matched with a tan colored shadow.

Lipstick seems to be one area that most women struggle with. With all the shades available it can be almost impossible to find one that matches your own natural skin tones. A perfect beauty make up tip when it comes to lipstick is to experiment. This doesn’t mean going out and buying twenty different lipsticks and giving them a try. Instead it means going to the cosmetic counter and using the tester on your wrist. This beauty make up tip helps in that you can clearly see the color against your skin tone. Bright red lipstick is an entirely different story and best saved for women who want a very strong look.

Experimenting is one of the best ways to find what and colors are best for you. When you find a color that you think looks great on you ask a close friend what she thinks. Although this beauty make up tip can result in her gently telling you to try something else, you’ll know what works and what doesn’t before you venture out in public.